In attendance:
Emily Ranson
Jack Nicholson
Mike Binnix
John Mazur
Chris Readinger
Mimo DeMarco
Meeting began at 7:00 pm
Emily briefed the board on the collision between a participating rider and a motor vehicle during the Woodbine Wallop 200K brevet on Dec 2, 2023
Jack provided a brief update of 2023 costs and revenue through Nov 30, 2023
The board discussed the latest draft of the 2024 budget proposal prepared by Jack which reflected the impact on financial reserves, ride pricing and post-ride services discussed at the November meeting. Jack agreed to prepare another revision to be presented to the board at the January meeting for endorsement and ultimately, presentation to the club membership at the general meeting for approval.
The meeting concluded at 8:10 pm
In attendance:
Ed Felker
Emily Ranson
Jack Nicholson
Mike Binnix
John Mazur
Chris Readinger
Mimo DeMarco
Meeting began at 7:05 pm
Ed briefed the board on plans for the annual meeting in January and confirmed that there are two board positions open for the election to be held in January: for Secretary and one at-Large position.Ed also noted the large turnout for the Tubman Blackwater 200K brevet and the success of the club pizza purchase at the finish. He also noted Mike Binnix's volunteer service in managing the finish and waiting for the final rider.
Emily reviewed plans for remaining events for 2023.
Jack provided a brief update of 2023 costs and revenue through Oct 31.
The board discussed what services the club will offer with events in 2024 and how that should be reflected in the 2024 budget. This included the existing club financial reserve and options for not letting it grow. Jack agreed to draft 2024 ride pricing and post-ride expenses options for consideration at the December meeting that would maintain an appropriate club financial reserve.
Meeting concluded at 8:15 pm
Approved by all members in attendance via email: Nov 8, 2023
Meeting convened at 7:05 pm.
Attendance: Binnix, DeMarco, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
Mike Binnix was introduced as the newest board member taking the place vacated by Bob Count's resignation on an interim basis until the next election in January, 2024. Mike indicated he intends to run for a full term in January, 2024
The September minutes were approved by voice vote.
1. Presidents report. Felker briefed on the upcoming Old Rag 200K, noting original art created by club member Kyle McKenzie for the club to use in its promotion of the event. He also briefed on the October social event and the annual reminder email to members to renew membership. Felker noted the upcoming vacancy on the board to fill in January due to the term limit of at-large member Chris Readinger.
2. Treasurer's report. Nicholson briefed the board on his forecast of club assets through the end of the year, and options for keeping the club's reserves flat or reduced slightly in 2024. He also briefed on an expected increase in DCR web hosting expenses. Felker and Nicholson plan to research the hosting fees and engage the board in further discussion.
3. RBA's report: Ranson briefed on the submitted 2024 ACP schedule of brevets and the International Womens' Day populaire. She noted coordination with the Pennsylvania Randonneurs to ensure our respective spring fleche events did not overlap. She also briefed on the ongoing results of the recent member survey and plans to work with ride organizers on suggestions for pre- and post-ride food and ride start times.
4. General discussion. The board discussed various options regarding fees and expenses, to be further refined in the drafting of the 2024 club budget.
The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Meeting convened at 7 p.m.
Attendance: Felker, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
July minutes were approved by voice vote.
1. President's report. Felker briefed on the fall party to be held at Gardner Duvall and Theresa Furnari's home in October. Felker also briefed on the resignation of Bob Counts from the board and process to appoint a replacement.
2. Treasurer's report. Nicholson briefed on the club finances and noted the growth in the club's bank balance, and potential ways to align club revenue with expenses in 2024.
3. RBA report. Ranson briefed on upcoming rides. She also briefed on the tentative 2024 schedule and question of designating brevets as ACP rides in the autumn months. No objections were made to having a mix of RUSA and ACP brevets in the fall.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Meeting convened at 7 p.m.
Attendance: DeMarco, Counts, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
1. President's report. No items.
2. Treasurer's report. Nicholson reported second quarter rides brought in more fees than expected.
3. RBA report. Ranson discussed the plan to hold another set of ouler rides in the fall with one likely from Baltimore area. She also planned to seek board input on her member survey.
4. The board discussed a potential RUSA anniversary ride in August combined with a PBP sendoff party. Ed planned to research potential start and party gathering in Frederick.
5. The board discussed steps to recruit new ride organizers, such as reaching out out to recent, frequent riders.
6. Felker suggested the board not meet in August and resume meeting in September, to be confirmed before the August planned meeting date.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Meeting convened at 19:02.
Attendance: DeMarco, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
The board previously approved the May minutes by email.
1. President's report. Felker noted the successful spring brevet season and Emily's management of the events in her first year as the regional brevet administrator. He noted that he purchased DCR lapel pins and will distribute them to interested buyers and individual riders in the coming months.
Felker also advised that Roger Hillas has agreed to host the PBP sendoff party in August at his home in Washington.
2. RBA report. Emily briefed on the weekend's 600K and noted the riders enjoyed pizza and time to visit at the finish. She suggested the club continue offering pizza where possible. She briefed on the Smoketown Brawler and the positive reception to the May populaire, and on the Firefly 400K. Due to expected low club overhead costs for the Firefly, Felker moved that the board grant Ranson authority to set the fee in line with expenses, seconded by Readinger, approved 6-0.
3. Nicholson briefed on club finances, noting that the club has nearly matched the projected 2023 budget to date.
4. Nicholson suggested the board being outreach to potential new organizers and co-organizers for events this year to bolster the number of experienced volunteers. The board agreed to devote attention to that goal.
5. DeMarco discussed the club's Strava account and agreed to become an administrator with the goal of making it a better asset for the members.
6. Ranson and the board discussed initial ideas on the 2024 season events and route, and getting member feedback from the 2023 spring series.
Meeting adjourned at 20:00.
Meeting convened at 19:00.
Attendance: Counts, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
The board previously approved the April minutes by email.
1. President's report. Felker updated on his plans to purchase DCR lapel pins. He also congratulated Emily and the volunteers for the successful brevets so far this spring, including her work to make sure riders could sign up for the Middletown 300K on April 30 despite an unexpected web site outage.
2. Treasurer's report. Nicholson briefed on the club's bank balance and membership growth.
3. RBA report. Ranson reported positive comments from riders about the Cacapon 200K. She reviewed the upcoming 400K, 600K and Firefly 400K in June. The board agreed, 5-1, to lower the fee for the Firefly to $25 due to lower expected expenses associated with an evening start. Ranson also suggested setting up a secondary email account to communicate with members and former members, with no objection.
4. Counts briefed on the DCR web site outage on April 28, noting this is the first outage we've experienced and that it was a third party problem that our hosting provider communicated to us and sought to fix as quickly as possible.
5. Chris Readinger briefed on the Mother of all 300Ks brevet and suggested the club consider using a newer hotel in Strasburg, Va. as a future start due to declining conditions at the hotel in Middletown. The board agreed to look at that option for 2024. He also suggested additional communication with riders about required lights and reflectives for the brevets with night riding.
6. The board discussed the need to set a location for the PBP sendoff party in August and agreed to have Felker pursue further details.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Meeting convened at 19:00.
Attendance: Counts, DeMarco, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
The board previously approved the March minutes by email.
1. President's report. Felker updated on his outreach to a potential supplier of new DCR lapel pins, which he would purchase and sell to club members in time for PBP. He also reported on the condemnation and planned demolition of the former Key Bridge Marriott hotel in Arlington, Va. which has been a fleche finish destination in the past. Felker noted the good turnout for the Both Sides 200K, despite the forecasted rain and cool temperatures.
2. Treasurer's report. Nicholson briefed on club membership signup and expenses to date.
3. RBA report. Ranson reviewed the upcoming fleche and spring brevets. She noted work underway by Roger to confirm available stores along the upcoming 600K. She also noted the work by Gardner Duvall for an upcoming DCR Roleur award series.
Meeting adjourned at 20:05 p.m.
Meeting convened at 19:00.
Attendance: Counts, DeMarco, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
The board previously approved the February minutes by email.
1. President's report. Felker noted the successful Warrenton — Orange 200K. He updated the board on the members' email list, with no changes proposed. He noted the March renewal of the club's Ridewithgps annual subscription. With no objection, the board agreed to continue the subscription.
2. RBA report. Ranson reviewed the upcoming populaire, fleche and spring brevets.
3. Treasurer's report. Nicholson briefed on club finances and reported on his investigation of PBP souvenirs, with no decision made. Felker agreed to further pursue souvenirs.
4. Secretary's report. Counts agreed to compile and present to the board potential improvements to the club web site.
5. General discussion. The board agreed on the value of communications and promotion and to pursue opportunities to raise awareness of the club's spring rides.
Meeting adjourned at 20:15.
Meeting convened at 19:00.
Attendance: Counts, DeMarco, Felker, Mazur, Nicholson, Ranson, Readinger.
1. Treasurer's report. Jack Nicholson reported membership signups for 2023 at 85 through January. Later in the meeting, the board agreed with Nicolson's request to transition the club's bank account access to Ranson from Duvall, also removing Hillas, in addition to retaining himself on the account as treasurer.
2. RBA report. Emily Ranson briefed the board on upcoming brevets and the fleche. Felker agreed to organize the Warrenton 200K on Feb. 25. Ranson noted that Bill Beck will again organize the fleche.
The board discussed a request by Northern Virginia Randonneurs RBA Hamid Akbarian to recognize the plight of women in Iran at the DCR IWD populaire. Ranson agreed to continue communications with him and consult the board.
The board voted 8-0 to eliminate the $5 ride fee for the International Women's Day populaire on March 11, as a promotion to attract signups.
3. Felker briefed on the unofficial members email list. The board agreed to consider alternatives at the March board meeting.
4. PBP souvenirs. Nicolson agreed to research a potential DCR lapel pin order for member purchases before PBP.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 20:15.
Meeting convened at 15:10.
Attendance: 23 Members (17 in person; 6 online)
1. President's Remarks
Club president Roger Hillas welcomed attendees to the first in-person annual meeting since 2020 and thanked them for their active involvement in club affairs.
2. Outgoing RBA's Remarks
Outgoing RBA Gardner Duvall reviewed his tenure, thanked riders, organizers, and board, and summarized the current state of the club's ride program.
3. Incoming RBA's Remarks
Incoming RBA Emily Ranson provided an overview of the ride schedule for 2023 and plans for following seasons.
4. Treasurer's Remarks
Due to AV constraints, club treasurer Jack Nicholson was not able to present the proposed 2023 budget in person. Club president Hillas presented it from notes compiled by the Treasurer. In preparing the budget, the treasurer and board sought to fund general club activities from membership fees and to have individual rides pay for themselves.
Club activities planned for 2023 include a social event in the summer.
Largely because of higher hotel prices, rides long than 200 kilometers have become more expensive to run. The budget includes higher entry fees for those rides.
Bart Desmet noted that charging a ride fee for the International Women's Day populaire, on top of the cost of membership in RUSA and DCR, creates a significant barrier to entry for new riders. The board agreed to consider the matter further.
The cost and risk of running the Mason Dixon 1200 in 2022 and any lessons learned that could be applied to future runnings were discussed at some length.
5. Voting
Voting took three forms: advance voting by Google form, voting in person at the annual meeting, and voting remotely over the meeting Zoom.
A total of 28 members cast votes, with the following results:
Emily Ranson noted that Bob Count's first term as club secretary had expired, so Bob was unanimously elected to a second term as secretary by 17 in person and 3 Zoom voters.
6. Recognition
President Hillas recognized riders who had won a range of international and nation awards, or participated in local events. He also recognized members who organized club rides. Lists of both group have been posted to the website, with a list of Mason Dixon 1200 volunteers to follow.
Meeting adjourned at 17:10.
Meeting convened at 19:07.
Attendance: Duvall, Hillas, Counts, Felker, Nicholson, Readinger, Ranson (Non-voting)
Board previously approved December minutes by email.
1. Budget
After discussion, the board voted unanimously to approve the draft budget submitted by the Treasurer, pending ratification by club members at the annual meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 20:10.