2024 Meeting Minutes

DCR Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2024


Ed Felker - President
Emily Ranson - RBA / CBA
Jack Nicholson - Treasurer
Mike Binnix - Secretary
Kyle McKenzie
John Mazur
Mimo Demarco

Meeting came to order at 7:04pm

Ed shared a few thoughts on Matt Settle's legacy as an RBA and active member of DCRAND in its early days. The board observed a moment of silence and affirmed the club's best wishes and offer of support for Matt's family.

Ed briefed the board on the state of RideStats.  Ed, Emily and Mike participated in a call with the operator of the service and representatives of other Randonneuring regions using the service.  The operator shared that moving forward there will be no integration with RUSA. The club has taken steps to periodically download ride rosters and other important information as backups.  

The board passed a motion to form a new web committee of board members and other club members who may volunteer to define website objectives, research options, recommend and ultimately execute a plan to implement a new web presence for DCRAND.  The committee will be asked to provide the board an update on progress by the May board meeting and to propose a plan for a new web strategy by the June board meeting.  Mike has agreed to serve as the initial committee chair. The chair to be revisited once the committee is fully formed.

Emily briefed the board on upcoming brevet plans.  Hotels are becoming a significant logjam in planning 300K and longer events as prices rise and booking lead times increase.   Current events on the calendar for CY 2024 have viable options, but future schedules will likely require the club to make reservations as soon as possible after the schedule is approved.

Jack briefed the board on the club's financial standing through March 31, 2024.  The board discussed per-registrant food budgets. Jack has forwarded recommendations to the RBA for inclusion in the rider organizer checklists and guidelines.  

The board approved a motion to empower the treasurer, at his discretion, to move a portion of club reserve funds into a Certificate of Deposit that is FDIC insured and with terms for early withdrawal that do not put any deposited principal at risk.

The meeting adjourned at 8:24


DCR Board Meeting Minutes March 4, 2024


Jack Nicholson - Treasurer
Mike Binnix - Secretary
Ed Felker - President
Emily Ranson - RBA / CBA
Mimo Demarco
John Mazur
Kyle McKenzie

Meeting called to order by the President at 7:04 pm

Ed shared with the board that while no imminent changes are expected, some long-term changes may be coming to RideStats.

Ed confirmed he has completed the annual report to the Virginia Corporation Commission.

Jack briefed the board on the sum of financial transactions for the last month, the resulting changes in club balances and anticipated expenditures in the coming month.  The annual report to the IRS as a non-profit is complete.

Emily reviewed upcoming brevets and noted that the Fleche will again finish at the Arlington IHOP.  The board discussed options to change the currently scheduled 400K from Warrenton due to escalating costs and availability of hotels in Warrenton. No changes to the current schedule were approved for 2024.

The board discussed spending metrics for different ride lengths with the goal of providing ride organizers guidance in advance of each event.   Jack agreed to prepare some pro-forma recommendations for the board's future consideration.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10

DCR Board Meeting Minutes Feb 5, 2024

John Mazur
Mike Binnix - Secretary
Mimo Demarco
Jack Nicholson - Treasurer
Ed Felker - President
Kyle McKenzie
Emily Ranson - CBA / RBA
Ed called the Meeting to order at 7:34pm
Ed introduced and welcomed Kyle to his first board meeting.
The board briefly discussed strategies under consideration for revisions to web and social media communications.
Jack briefed the board on the January, 2024 financial results, pending expenses and pending actions to recertify DCRAND's non-profit status to the IRS.   
Mimo briefed the board on his project to re-write the ride organizer's checklist to reflect the changes the last few years to ACP and RUSA rules and evolving rider expectations.
Emily summarized upcoming events and ride organizers for each.
Ed briefed the board on plans to review the by-laws regarding the announcement and call for nominations of board vacancies, as requested by a club member.
The board approved the minutes from the General Meeting.
The meeting concluded at 8:51 pm  


DCR General Meeting Minutes Jan 20, 2024

The Annual General Meeting was held over Zoom due to significant impact to road conditions by the snow event of January 19, 2024.

The Meeting was called to order by President Ed Felker at 3:31 pm.

20 members participated by Zoom for all or part of the meeting.  Ed certified a quorum based on live participants plus online voting participation for board seats and the budget. See the roster of attendees below.

Ed introduced the election details and encouraged everyone to vote for board positions: Secretary, Treasurer and 2 At Large seats, plus the budget approval question. Voting will close online on Wednesday Jan, 24, 2024 and results published under separate cover.
Emily summarized the riding year for 2023 and the upcoming schedule for 2024   

Jack reviewed the proposed budget distributed to members by email ahead of the meeting, emphasizing:
  • budget surplus for 2023
  • cash balance at the end of 2023
  • the intent to draw down the cash balance in 2024
  • Fees have been kept flat, except for 100K events which will have no fee
  • Post-ride food will be reinstated for 200k brevets
Attendees made the following suggestions/requests to the board for future consideration.
  • Consider additional communication efforts to encourage volunteers to submit expenses for reimbursement of mileage and other direct costs incurred on behalf of the club and club events, and publishing written guidelines on what is reimbursable.
  • Consider hosting a safety presentation by a speaker who holds an appropriate credential such as from the League of American Bicyclists.
  • Consider hosting spring and fall social events that are not tied to specific ride events.
  • Can we offer riders the use of the designated hotel room for the ride organizer to let riders take a shower post ride on 300k+ brevets.
  • Do the by-laws adequately address the processes for nominating and electing club officers, the CBA, and nominating or recommending an RBA to RUSA?
Bill Beck moved to approve the budget and Mary Gersema seconded.  The vote was held by voice with unanimous approval by those in attendance. These will be combined with online results and announced once the online window for voting closes in a few days.   

Board Candidates: Mike, Kyle and Jack spoke briefly about what they hope to contribute as board members. John was unable to attend.   

The floor was opened for nominations.  No nominations were offered.   

Roger Hillas moved to approve the candidates as a block. Bill Beck seconded the nomination. The vote was completed with no objections. Final results will be published after the online voting window closes.   

Ed recognized and thanked:
  • all ride organizers from 2023
  • board member Chris Redinger who has completed 3 full terms and is now term-limited . 
  • Bob Counts for his service to the board. 
  • Gardner and Theresa for hosting the fall social
  • Gardner for acting as champion for the rollieur series.  
  • Emily for her services as RBA and CBA

The meeting concluded at 4:38 pm


Participants by Zoom:
Emily Ranson - RBA/CBA
Mike  Binnix - Secretary
Mimo DeMarco - Board Member
Bill Beck
Bill Smith
Kyle McKenzie - candidate for Board Member
Ed Felker - President
Chris Redinger - outgoing Board Member   
Roger Hillas   
Ben Swartz   
Leslie Tierstein
Tom Reeder
Gardner Duval   
Theresa Frunari   
Mary Gersema   
Jack Nicholson  - Treasurer   
Nigel Greene   
Andrea Matney
Justin Castillo   
Mike Wali


DCR Board Minutes Jan 8, 2024

In attendance:

Ed Felker
Emily Ranson
Jack Nicholson
Mike Binnix
John Mazur
Chris Readinger
Mimo DeMarco
Meeting came to order at 7:15 pm
Ed informed the Board that Kyle McKenzie has volunteered to stand for election to the at-large position on the Board that will be vacated as Chris Readinger's term ends.  Mike Binnix (Secretary), Jack Nicholson (Treasurer) and Kyle will be up for election at the general meeting.
Ed and the entire board thanked Chris for his six years of service to DCRand!!     

The board discussed logistics for the general meeting.     

Jack summarized the financials for 4Q 2023 and the full year 2023.     

The Board voted to endorse the 2024 budget prepared by Jack for presentation to the membership for approval at the general meeting, and agreed that Jack and Ed will forward the document to members prior to the general meeting with a brief cover note describing the objectives for the club's reserves, post ride services, and other changes.     

Emily led a discussion of the 2024 ride schedule, ride organizer assignments and lodging logistics.       

The board approved the December, 2023 minutes.
The meeting concluded at 8:00 pm     

Minutes approved via email